There are many reasons for this pessimism. Part of it is the constant drum beat of "how terrible everything is." The political party that is out of power has an interest in telling everyone how bad things are. And 1/2 of the country believes it. And the party out of power changes every few years, so the negatives are from both sides.
Our environmental movement folks also believe that our country and the world are headed for environmental disaster, with global warming being a major concern. They also constantly tell us how close to doom we are.
And wars, patricularity the Russian Ukranian War, and challenges from North Korea, China, and the middle east cause constant worry.
Racial minorities are angry and demanding a better deal. And constantly telling people how bad things are.
Wow, in writing this discussion I have succeeded in making myself depressed. I guess I will change my vote.
But on further reflection, I change back to optimism. I realize that the political party out of power will always be saying how bad things are now. Knowing that makes me tend to dismiss their complaints.
We have made tremendous strides in environmental improvements. Our rivers and streams were badly polluted fifty years ago, and are now much better becasue of the enormous amount of money and regulations that we accomplished. Our air quality is much better.
We are making great strides in green energy. Renewable energy continues to rise and will continue.
The world is becoming more affluent. More people are leading more affluent lives. Health care continues to improve.
We face rising threats from Russia and China. But nothing so bad as what we faced in World War II and during the cold war.
Ok, I am optimist again. A pox apon the nattering naybobs of negativity ( A great line by Spiro Agnew.)
Will bad things happen? Of course they will. But the trend line is much more positive that what is pushed by our modern day Cassandras.